Tuesday, September 27

5 Things I Love About Autumn

Since my first autumn post went live (link here) I can't stop thinking and getting overly excited about these coming months - even though I'm currently writing this on one of the hottest days of the year.

I think Autumn is a time generally everyone loves so I thought why not sum up my 5 favourite things and get everyone in the autumnal mood! 

Fashion; Of course I had to mention fashion, whats better than jumpers, knitted scarfs and new coats?! Erm nothing! For me I'm a new coat every year kinda gal, I just see so many and I can't resist. If I'm honest and am going to blow my own trumpet then I definitely rock the best coats at uni and River Island is to thank for that!

Events; Some of my favourite events of the whole year are Halloween and Bonfire Night! I just love how magical and fun everything is and its always great teamed with friends and alcohol!

Drinks; Even though I've just mentioned alcohol you can't beat a Caramel or Hazelnut Hot Chocolate! I mainly get these at uni so I can get on with my work and have a yummy warm drink by my side. I''m yet to try anything Gingerbread or Pumpkin however I'm making it my mission this year to try them!

Makeup; Cranberry and burgundy used on the eyes is just my idea of bliss and now its way more acceptable! I suit a lot of dark shades, especially dark glittery ones on the lid. My friends know I'm the one who brings out the glitter when we go on a night out! Also dark lips start to appear which I'm all for, if you want to see my Autumn Lip Picks you can here.

Relationships; I didn't know what to have as the heading for this one so I just went with relationships in general. I tend to find that theres more trips to the cinema, cuddles, gingerbread house making and netflix nights around this time and I absolutely love it! I feel like me and my boyfriend actually spend quality time together instead of just being with each other.. if that makes any sense!

I loved writing this post! Do you have any other autumnal inspired posts you'd like to see? 

Paige, x

Monday, September 26

My Christmas Wishlist 2016

Its getting to that time of year again where everyone seems to be asking me what I want for Christmas. I thought I would show you everything I really want to give you some inspiration!

1. Huda Beauty Liquid Matte: I'm so intrigued to try these as literally EVERYONE is raving about them! Theres a few shades I'd love but number 1 on my list has to be Venus. I've heard the formula of these are incredible too so I'd love the chance to get to try them!

2. Too Faced Melted Matte Liquified Lipstick: Too Faced is my all time favourite brand so when they bring out something new its only natural that I want to try it. Cool Girl has to be my favourite shade! 

3. NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme: I know this is drugstore but I've been wanting to give these a go for the longest time! Ever since seeing that the shade London was a 'dupe' for Kylie's Exposed this has been high up on my Christmas Wishlist.

4. Violet Voss Holy Grail Eyeshadow Palette: This palette speaks to me on another level. Usually when palettes are released they never really appeal to me, this might be because I wouldn't use all of the colours or there wasn't a perfect peanut buttery shade however this palette is literally everything I could ever want. 

5. Violet Voss Glitter: As you all know I bloody love glitter, if I go on a night out and don't have glitter theres something seriously wrong. I've been loving experimenting with purples and think that this glitter would look insane on the centre of the lid! Oh and did I mention the shade of this? Its in the shade 'PAIGE'. 

6. Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof Mascara: Another Too Faced product! This one is my all time favourite mascara however it transfers so much, hopefully with this version being waterproof then it will be even better and not transfer! 

What do you want for Christmas?

Paige, x


Sunday, September 25

The Boyfriend Tag

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I semi created the Boyfriend Makeup Knowledge Tag and you all really loved it. I've now been tagged to do another tag with my boyfriend from the lovely Hannah from Hannahs Wonderland

Q1. She's sitting in front of the TV, whats on the screen?

Come dine with me or Youtube

Q2. You're out to eat, what kind of dressing does she get on her salad?

None! (I don't like salad dressing!)

Q3. What's one food she doesn't like?


Q4. You go out to eat and have a drink, what does she order?

Water, sometimes Coke

Q5. What size shoe does she wear?

5 on one foot but a 5 and a half on the other! 

Q6. If she was collecting anything what would it be?


Q7. What is her favourite type of sandwich?

Corned beef? (Wrong! Egg mayonnaise)

Q8. What would this person eat everyday if she could?


Q9. What is her favourite cereal?


Q10. What is her favourite music?

Just chart stuff

Q11. What's her favourite sports team?

Dunno.. boro?

Q12. What's her eye colour?


Q13. Who's her best friend?


Q14. What is something you do that she wishes you didnt?

Drive fast

Q15. Where was she born?


Q16. You bake her a cake for her birthday, what kind of cake is it?

I'd say brownie but thats not really a cake :/ (Erm, I'd be happy with a huge brownie!)

Q17. Does/ did she play any sports?

Dancing apparently!

Q18. What could she spend hours doing?

Sleeping or watching Youtube

Q19. What is one unique talent she has?

Doing makeup (Well I'm glad he thinks so!)




Tuesday, September 20

Bloggers Made Me Buy It!

I see so many blog posts, Instagram posts and tweets raving about products and it really does suck me in. Here are some of the products and brands that bloggers have influenced me to buy and my thoughts on them!

Milani– I picked up 4 items when I first ordered from Milani and I’m so glad I listened to those who raved about them because now I do too! I don’t use them all as much as I’d like just purely because I have so much makeup but I definitely need to more often, especially the baked blusher in Luminuso!

Freedom Primer Water- I’ve been testing this out for about 4 weeks now and its fair to say I’m in love! Again theres a separate review up here but all I can say now is you need to go and pick one up for yourself!

Primark Lip Liner & Liquid Lipstick- I’m not going to talk about these too much because theres a separate review up here but oh my god I love these! I’m so glad I picked these up and now I know they’re amazing I can go and get every colour and it wont break the bank!

Charlotte Tillbury lipstick- Probably one of the most popular blogger favourites! I hated this at first but the more I used it the more I fell in love. It feels so luxurious and the shade is a gorgeous light glossy nude. I 100% need to try more of her lipsticks!

UD x Gwen- Sadly this is one that’s a huge regret and I wish I’d off not seen so many people talking about this. I didn’t need and it to be honest I never ever use it. I don’t like the shades and they don’t really suit me either. Such a waste of money!

Paige, x

Monday, September 19

NutriBuddy | First Impressions!

I was very kindly sent the brand new 14 day weightloss kit from NutriBuddy - a company that specialises in safe and effective weight loss products. As your all aware I'm currently trying to loose weight so this really couldn't of came at a better time! 

This kit includes:

Sculpting Whey
Hunger Fix 
Shaker Bottle + Scoop Measurer
Recipe Book
The Little Book Of Weight Loss

This is the perfect kit for a beginner as it literally includes everything you need and it only retails for £24.99. Personally I'd never looked at protein related weight loss products however I did think they would be so much more expensive- especially for a kit with this many products in.

So far I'm really excited to use this! Oh and did I mention this is 100% natural and suitable for vegetarians? I also want to quickly mention the packaging of these products- I love it! Its so Instagram worthy and pretty! From everything from the colours they've chose to the font I really like it!

Today was the start of my 14 day journey so I thought I would let you know what I thought about the products so far. First of all the size of both the Multivitamin tablets and the Hunger Fix capsules really scared me however they were super easy to take and didn't taste of anything horrible either! My favourite thing about these, especially the Hunger Fix capsules is that you have to have a full pint of water which makes me drink lots more; helping further with this weight loss journey. As I'm writing this post its been about 4 and a half hours since I've ate last and I'm still not hungry which for me is very surprising!

I've also tried the Sculpting Whey with water for my lunch and I was so surprised! You hear about the taste of things like this being horrible but this was actually incredibly tasty. I chose the chocolate flavour as I'm a self obsessed chocoholic and I feel like this fulfils my cravings. I originally put in too much water so next time I'm going to put less in so it has a stronger chocolate taste! I'm also going to try this with warm milk and make my own sort of hot chocolate and have it for my breakfast- ill let you know how that goes over on my twitter!

Overall this has exceeded my first impressions and I can't wait to update you on this process!

Don't forget to follow NutriBuddy on their social media.



Paige, x


Sunday, September 18

Beauty Essentials Shadow Switch Review

When I got the chance to try and review this Shadow Switch Dry Brush Cleaner from Beauty Essentials I was so excited! I'll be the first one to admit that I don't clean my brushes as much as I should but with this it just makes everything so much easier! 

This isn't a brush cleaner in the sense that you wouldn't use this alone but more of a brush cleaner as your actually using your brushes. 

This isn't the original packaging however I still do like this. The original one is still going to keep with the pink theme which I love however its going to look more sophisticated which a fancy font! I do hope they keep the box quite similar as I like that it tells you all of the benefits- some of which are amazing and it also shows you how to use it. 

My favourite benefits are definitely that theres no product transfer and that it preserves the brushes because as we all know brushes are bloody expensive! 

Talking about expensive this Shadow Switch is the opposite as it retails for £5.99 with free UK delivery on Amazon! 

The product comes in a tin which makes it really easy to take with you traveling and also makes it sustainable as its less likely to break in your luggage. 

The actual product; the brush cleaner is a weird sort of spongey wirey material. It feels dry to the touch so its obviously the wire material that gets right up into the brush and then as you swirl it around it removes the product that way. The actual product is also refillable too!

From these photos the dirty brushes are on the left and the clean brushes are on the right. As you can see the 'clean' brushes don't look very clean; especially the first brush as it seems the shadow has just been dragged down to the bottom. I was quite disappointed when I seen this however when I rubbed them on my hand there was no old product left so I was actually really surprised! Even if the product is pushed to the bottom this doesn't matter as the top of the brush is still clean and then once you give them a deep clean all of the product will be completely gone. 

Overall I think this is a really clever idea and something I'll use on a regular basis! 

Paige, x


Saturday, September 17

Slimming World | My First Week

I'd come to the point where I needed to do something. I couldn't keep on eating share bags of M&M's every weekend and having crisps and biscuits every day. Behind my laptop my size doesn't matter when your reading my blog however YouTube is a different story. Looking through my videos you can literally see my face almost double in size and it was that that really shocked me into action. 

Going to the gym and eating healthily just didn't work for me as stupid as that sounds. I just wasn't motivated. For me going to a specific place and having some form of community really does motivate me, plus I feel like I'm not on this journey alone. This is why I decided to join Slimming World. 

Id heard great results and such from people joining Slimming World as it wasn't a diet per say but more like making the correct choices when it comes to what you eat. I thought I would give it a go as it wouldn't hurt! I also went with my boyfriends mum too!

Day 1: They said the first week will be really motivational however as I was still getting my head around everything I had to syn I didnt do too well on this day. I had my full 15 syns (which they encourage you to have) however I don't want to be having them all. This was made up of a small slice of chocolate cake and a hi-fi bar. I also tried the SW Meatball Pasta Ready Meal from Iceland and it was bloody gorgeous!

Day 2: This day was a barbecue and I knew it would be hard. Again I had my 15 syns which was made up of mustard (in Paprika), 2 small slices of crusty bread with butter and a hi-fi bar. 

Day 3: My best day yet finishing on only having 3.5 syns. This was from a packet of Golden Vegetable Savoury Rice and yet again another hi-fi bar. As you can see I can't kick this chocolate addiction just yet although I feel much better only having a 3 syn bar as apposed to a 15+ syn bar. 

Day 4: Another amazing day! I ate 'normal' yet healthy stuff and was full up all day! Days like this makes me think why didnt I start this sooner? At this point I was thinking that I'll of definitely lost some weight! I finished this day on 0.5 syns.

Day 5: I woke up and was craving chocolate and pasta so much so I decided to have a Hi-fi bar with my wheatabix and strawberries. I then also had pasta for tea but had a regular portion unlike the mammoth sized plates full I used to eat! I also added lots of speed foods to even it out. I finished this day on 6 syns (3 for pasta sauce).

Day 6: Salmon night! I'd been looking forward to this all week as I bloody love Salmon.. but lets not get ahead of myself. For breakfast I attempted banana and egg pancakes which were AMAZING (4 syns), lunch I had chicken wraps made out of lettuce and then I had lots of speedy veg with my tea. I had an SP day without even having to think about it! This day I used 7 syns.

Day 7: This was my weigh in day so I was determined to have another amazing day. Again I had banana pancakes for my breakfast, carrot sticks for my lunch and chicken and salad for my tea. After group I also had a hifi bar so overall I used 7 again.

So- the bit your all wanting to know. How did my first week go? It went amazing! I managed to lose 3lbs!! Which means that 4 more and I'll of lost half a stone! I'm so proud of myself and can't wait to update you all next!

Paige, x


Tuesday, September 13

Fuller Lips In An Instant - My Perfect Pout

When this came through my door I was so excited! I'd seen them all over Instagram -you can follow me here- and even some of my blogger friends got sent them to review too! 

I've never really been interested in bigger lips until I tried this! 

This is a natural lip enhancer - natural meaning non surgical - from the brand Perfect Pout. If your wanting bigger lips or just want to play around with something to see what you would look like then this will be perfect for you! 

With this theres no need for surgery or injections as you get instant results and it even reduces lip wrinkles which I'm all for! This enhancer is probably the cheapest yet safest way to obtain those fuller lips- don't be doing any of then Kylie Jenner lip challenges! 

With this of course the effects aren't permanent however you can use this multiple times to give that plump pout the lasting power. I find, personally that this lasts roughly about 45 minutes until my lips go back to their normal size, however I feel like they aren't very cooperative and don't have much staying power.. if that makes any sense?! I would use this if I was going somewhere for a meal or night out and I knew there would be people talking pictures, especially at the start of the night. So if you are looking for something permanent or that will last all night then this might not be for you.

This enhancer is the Medium Round style and is perfect for my lips. I can fit both of my lips into it or just do one lip at a time. It is made out of a hard plastic material however its not harsh or uncomfortable on the lips. This comes in 3 different sizes so have a look and see what suits your lips best! 

The box that it comes in gives clear instructions and I follow them all apart from the first step. If you've already got your foundation or even highlighter on your cupids bow then the lip balm with sort of rub all around and make your makeup look a bit funky so I wouldn't recommend that. Although if your doing this before any face makeup then it will be fine to use lip balm! 

I actually found that it worked better on my bottom lip and once they were plumped I couldn't get them any plumper; my lips must not like to be touched! But you will be able to see below the results!




And finally with lipstick on! 

Overall I do really like this! I think if its going to be a quick fix or something for photos then you'll love it too! 

You can purchase this at Archangelz counters and selected Debenhams stores. 

Paige, x

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