Thursday, September 8

Boyfriend Makeup Knowledge | TAG

I originally seen the Husband Makeup Knowledge Tag on Miel and Mint and loved it so much I asked my boyfriend if he would be up for answering a few makeup related questions in a sort of spin on this great tag!

A little bit about our relationship - but none of the cringe stuff I swear! He loves cars and I love makeup so we both mention them to each other but none of us really listens or takes any of it in. He watches me from time to time do my makeup and occasionally takes the mick out of me "putting shiny gold on my cheeks". He only jokes but I know he has no idea what I'm doing!

I asked him to define these terms so lets all laugh at the typical boy stuff he comes out with!

  • Bronzer: Is it like, cheekbones? To make your cheekbones look like you have cheekbones..?
  • Blusher: To make your cheeks look red - like your embarrassed! 
  • Mascara: This makes your eyelashes look long and like spider legs
  • Eye liner: It goes round your eyes to define them
  • Strobing: What? Using two different types of makeup 
  • Eye shadow: For your eyelids
  • Powder: For your nose.. when girls say I'm going to powder my nose (I've never said that!)
  • Foundation: It makes your skin one colour.. like primer for a car!
  • Concealer: To hide spots
  • Highlighter: Erm.. for your nose, cupids bow, chin and cheekbones (Ey ey he knows!)
  • Setting spray: To set your makeup- you can also use hairspray.. apparently (erm, no)
  • Contouring: To make yourself have features not a fat face
  • Primer: Top coat? Or base coat? It's the first coat! 
  • Lip liner: To make your lips more defined
  • Brow pencil: To make you look like you have eyebrows
  • Serum: For your wrinkles
  • Cleanser: To clean your skin
  • Micellar Water: To moisten your face 
  • Toner: Erm, to make your face look brown? (ha ha I laughed at this one)
  • BB Cream: Moisturiser 

Could you do my makeup the same way I do it every day? Yeah- I watch you do it every day!

Was this test hard? Why yes/no? Medium, because my girlfriend likes makeup and I like cars! 

I'd love to see your versions of this, tag me on twitter if you do this tag! 

Paige, x

1 comment

  1. Haha this was funny - he actually did really well!
    Great post! Holly x |


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