Tuesday, September 13

Fuller Lips In An Instant - My Perfect Pout

When this came through my door I was so excited! I'd seen them all over Instagram -you can follow me here- and even some of my blogger friends got sent them to review too! 

I've never really been interested in bigger lips until I tried this! 

This is a natural lip enhancer - natural meaning non surgical - from the brand Perfect Pout. If your wanting bigger lips or just want to play around with something to see what you would look like then this will be perfect for you! 

With this theres no need for surgery or injections as you get instant results and it even reduces lip wrinkles which I'm all for! This enhancer is probably the cheapest yet safest way to obtain those fuller lips- don't be doing any of then Kylie Jenner lip challenges! 

With this of course the effects aren't permanent however you can use this multiple times to give that plump pout the lasting power. I find, personally that this lasts roughly about 45 minutes until my lips go back to their normal size, however I feel like they aren't very cooperative and don't have much staying power.. if that makes any sense?! I would use this if I was going somewhere for a meal or night out and I knew there would be people talking pictures, especially at the start of the night. So if you are looking for something permanent or that will last all night then this might not be for you.

This enhancer is the Medium Round style and is perfect for my lips. I can fit both of my lips into it or just do one lip at a time. It is made out of a hard plastic material however its not harsh or uncomfortable on the lips. This comes in 3 different sizes so have a look and see what suits your lips best! 

The box that it comes in gives clear instructions and I follow them all apart from the first step. If you've already got your foundation or even highlighter on your cupids bow then the lip balm with sort of rub all around and make your makeup look a bit funky so I wouldn't recommend that. Although if your doing this before any face makeup then it will be fine to use lip balm! 

I actually found that it worked better on my bottom lip and once they were plumped I couldn't get them any plumper; my lips must not like to be touched! But you will be able to see below the results!




And finally with lipstick on! 

Overall I do really like this! I think if its going to be a quick fix or something for photos then you'll love it too! 

You can purchase this at Archangelz counters and selected Debenhams stores. 

Paige, x


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