Sunday, September 18

Beauty Essentials Shadow Switch Review

When I got the chance to try and review this Shadow Switch Dry Brush Cleaner from Beauty Essentials I was so excited! I'll be the first one to admit that I don't clean my brushes as much as I should but with this it just makes everything so much easier! 

This isn't a brush cleaner in the sense that you wouldn't use this alone but more of a brush cleaner as your actually using your brushes. 

This isn't the original packaging however I still do like this. The original one is still going to keep with the pink theme which I love however its going to look more sophisticated which a fancy font! I do hope they keep the box quite similar as I like that it tells you all of the benefits- some of which are amazing and it also shows you how to use it. 

My favourite benefits are definitely that theres no product transfer and that it preserves the brushes because as we all know brushes are bloody expensive! 

Talking about expensive this Shadow Switch is the opposite as it retails for £5.99 with free UK delivery on Amazon! 

The product comes in a tin which makes it really easy to take with you traveling and also makes it sustainable as its less likely to break in your luggage. 

The actual product; the brush cleaner is a weird sort of spongey wirey material. It feels dry to the touch so its obviously the wire material that gets right up into the brush and then as you swirl it around it removes the product that way. The actual product is also refillable too!

From these photos the dirty brushes are on the left and the clean brushes are on the right. As you can see the 'clean' brushes don't look very clean; especially the first brush as it seems the shadow has just been dragged down to the bottom. I was quite disappointed when I seen this however when I rubbed them on my hand there was no old product left so I was actually really surprised! Even if the product is pushed to the bottom this doesn't matter as the top of the brush is still clean and then once you give them a deep clean all of the product will be completely gone. 

Overall I think this is a really clever idea and something I'll use on a regular basis! 

Paige, x


1 comment

  1. This is ideal for makeup artists! You can pretty much make your own too :) Handy though


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