Sunday, August 14

My LVL Experience!

Being part of the Nouveau lashes #lashgang definitely has its perks! I was offered the chance to go and get LVL enhance done and seeing as though I've never had anything done to my lashes before I thought I would give it a go! I was incredibly nervous and not sure what to expect as the eye is a delicate area and nobody wants to damage their eyes however it went amazingly well and the results were incredible!

Firstly your probably thinking what the heck is LVL? I was the same! Its basically where they give your lashes a bit of a lift and then tint them to make them look like your basically wearing mascara! 

I got my lashes done at Baker Street Beauty which is run by Becky and is located on, of course, Baker Street which is in Middlesbrough town centre. The room is gorgeous, very professional yet still friendly at the same time. Its also located in a pink and green building which you can't miss! Becky was lovely and explained everything thorroughly, she made me feel comfortable and at ease and so much so that I'll definitely be back to get further treatments! If you want to know more here are her social media links:

The treatment lasted around an hour which surprised me at first but it makes sense through all the steps that she did and they all had to be timed. Even though I was in there for quite a while the whole treatment was so relaxing and with the music being the ocean and waves I could of easily fell asleep! Now for what you've all been waiting for- the before and after!

Heres some more photos of my lashes after! 

The results can last between 6-8 weeks depending on how well you look after them which is amazing! I plan on using the Nouveau Lashes Conditioning Serum to keep them looking this good for as long as possible! 

If you're interested in this treatment I would 100% recommend Baker Street Beauty but if your not in the area head over to the Nouveau Lashes website where you can find your local salon! 

Paige, x


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