Tuesday, September 27

5 Things I Love About Autumn

Since my first autumn post went live (link here) I can't stop thinking and getting overly excited about these coming months - even though I'm currently writing this on one of the hottest days of the year.

I think Autumn is a time generally everyone loves so I thought why not sum up my 5 favourite things and get everyone in the autumnal mood! 

Fashion; Of course I had to mention fashion, whats better than jumpers, knitted scarfs and new coats?! Erm nothing! For me I'm a new coat every year kinda gal, I just see so many and I can't resist. If I'm honest and am going to blow my own trumpet then I definitely rock the best coats at uni and River Island is to thank for that!

Events; Some of my favourite events of the whole year are Halloween and Bonfire Night! I just love how magical and fun everything is and its always great teamed with friends and alcohol!

Drinks; Even though I've just mentioned alcohol you can't beat a Caramel or Hazelnut Hot Chocolate! I mainly get these at uni so I can get on with my work and have a yummy warm drink by my side. I''m yet to try anything Gingerbread or Pumpkin however I'm making it my mission this year to try them!

Makeup; Cranberry and burgundy used on the eyes is just my idea of bliss and now its way more acceptable! I suit a lot of dark shades, especially dark glittery ones on the lid. My friends know I'm the one who brings out the glitter when we go on a night out! Also dark lips start to appear which I'm all for, if you want to see my Autumn Lip Picks you can here.

Relationships; I didn't know what to have as the heading for this one so I just went with relationships in general. I tend to find that theres more trips to the cinema, cuddles, gingerbread house making and netflix nights around this time and I absolutely love it! I feel like me and my boyfriend actually spend quality time together instead of just being with each other.. if that makes any sense!

I loved writing this post! Do you have any other autumnal inspired posts you'd like to see? 

Paige, x

1 comment

  1. I also love everything you just mentioned. Autumn is definitely my favourite time of the year! xxx xx


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