Saturday, September 17

Slimming World | My First Week

I'd come to the point where I needed to do something. I couldn't keep on eating share bags of M&M's every weekend and having crisps and biscuits every day. Behind my laptop my size doesn't matter when your reading my blog however YouTube is a different story. Looking through my videos you can literally see my face almost double in size and it was that that really shocked me into action. 

Going to the gym and eating healthily just didn't work for me as stupid as that sounds. I just wasn't motivated. For me going to a specific place and having some form of community really does motivate me, plus I feel like I'm not on this journey alone. This is why I decided to join Slimming World. 

Id heard great results and such from people joining Slimming World as it wasn't a diet per say but more like making the correct choices when it comes to what you eat. I thought I would give it a go as it wouldn't hurt! I also went with my boyfriends mum too!

Day 1: They said the first week will be really motivational however as I was still getting my head around everything I had to syn I didnt do too well on this day. I had my full 15 syns (which they encourage you to have) however I don't want to be having them all. This was made up of a small slice of chocolate cake and a hi-fi bar. I also tried the SW Meatball Pasta Ready Meal from Iceland and it was bloody gorgeous!

Day 2: This day was a barbecue and I knew it would be hard. Again I had my 15 syns which was made up of mustard (in Paprika), 2 small slices of crusty bread with butter and a hi-fi bar. 

Day 3: My best day yet finishing on only having 3.5 syns. This was from a packet of Golden Vegetable Savoury Rice and yet again another hi-fi bar. As you can see I can't kick this chocolate addiction just yet although I feel much better only having a 3 syn bar as apposed to a 15+ syn bar. 

Day 4: Another amazing day! I ate 'normal' yet healthy stuff and was full up all day! Days like this makes me think why didnt I start this sooner? At this point I was thinking that I'll of definitely lost some weight! I finished this day on 0.5 syns.

Day 5: I woke up and was craving chocolate and pasta so much so I decided to have a Hi-fi bar with my wheatabix and strawberries. I then also had pasta for tea but had a regular portion unlike the mammoth sized plates full I used to eat! I also added lots of speed foods to even it out. I finished this day on 6 syns (3 for pasta sauce).

Day 6: Salmon night! I'd been looking forward to this all week as I bloody love Salmon.. but lets not get ahead of myself. For breakfast I attempted banana and egg pancakes which were AMAZING (4 syns), lunch I had chicken wraps made out of lettuce and then I had lots of speedy veg with my tea. I had an SP day without even having to think about it! This day I used 7 syns.

Day 7: This was my weigh in day so I was determined to have another amazing day. Again I had banana pancakes for my breakfast, carrot sticks for my lunch and chicken and salad for my tea. After group I also had a hifi bar so overall I used 7 again.

So- the bit your all wanting to know. How did my first week go? It went amazing! I managed to lose 3lbs!! Which means that 4 more and I'll of lost half a stone! I'm so proud of myself and can't wait to update you all next!

Paige, x


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