Monday, July 18

3 Lash Styles I Need To Brave

When Nouveau sent me an amazing lash package filled with so many lashes I was so excited but also really scared at the same time. If you know me I'm a total lash newbie and I'm also not very good at applying them. I have used a few of the more natural and wispy style of lashes but I thought I'd share the ones that I really want to be brave and try!

The frist style is Natural Style 4; these are stunning because their long and natural while still being fluttery at the same time. With these the only thing that worries me is the length and them resting on my actual eyebrow when my eyes are open so we will have to see! 

Again these are another natural pair and these are in the style Natural Style 2. These are a little bit less natural than style 4 however I personally think their more fluttery and girly. These will also probably me more noticeable however they look like they will blend really easily with your own lashes which is always a plus!

The final style of lashes are Volume Style 2. These lashes are so out there and daring for me so these are the ones I'm the most scared to try! I love that with all these lashes that no matter what style they're still really fluttery and girly which is exactly what I look for in a pair of lashes! 

I also thought I would mention that they do come with a little mini of their infamous Ultra Bond Strip Lash Adhesive which is my all time favourite lash glue! If you want to see me wear any of these add me on my Snapchat where I usually go through my makeup and what I'm wearing product wise - my username is thefashionwayx 

Paige, x


Sunday, July 17

My Make-Up Story Tag

I'd seen this tag floating around on the internet and wanted to try it so much as I love posts where you can get to know the blogger a bit more, plus I really love answering questions.. is that weird? So when my gorgeous friend Hannah tagged me I was over the moon. 

If you follow me on twitter - xPaigeAllan - then you'll know Hannah already as we regularly take part in chats together!

How old were you when you started wearing make-up?

I was about 13/ 14 when I first started to delve into the world of orange dream matte mouse and sparkly green eyeshadow- that matched my sparkly green cardigan from Tammy Girl if you must know! 

How did you get into make-up?

I'm not sure really! I think on the weekends the 'popular' girls were wearing it so I took a trip to Superdrug with no idea what I was buying and decided to start to play around with it. 

What are some of your favourite brands?

In terms of drugstore I absolutely love Makeup Revolution and for High End it has to be Too Faced!

What does make-up mean to you?

Its my passion. Take away the fact that I might not be any good at applying it or know what I'm doing but I love it anyway. I could talk about it all day and it just makes me happy as cringey as that sounds. You might be thinking its just make-up but couldn't you say that about any other hobby or interest?

If you could only wear 4 products on your face, what would they be?

Definitely the same as Hannah; Foundation, Bronzer, Mascara and a Brow pomade. If I could only pick 1 product for each of them categories it would be: YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, MUR Face Sculpt Duo, Maybelline Lash Sensational and Freedom Brow Pomade.

What is your favourite thing about make-up?

Again just how it makes me happy. Its all so pretty and each product is so different from the next. You can totally transform yourself or enhance your natural beauty. 

What do you think of Drugstore VS High End make-up?

To me the brand is irrelevant, if the product is amazing then it doesn't matter if you've paid £1 or something daft for it. Personally I have a few key high end pieces that I do love and will always repurchase however I'm definitely a drugstore kinda gal at heart. 

What is one tip you would give to a beginner?

Always swatch foundation! Don't make the mistake I did with a foundation that was about 20 shades too orange. 

What is one make-up trend you've never understood?

Lip Ombre for sure. I just don't see the point, it looks either fake or unnoticeable most of the time anyway. 

What do you think of the beauty community on Youtube?

Its not as open and friendly as in the blogger world. Its so hard to find genuine people and yes I'm talking to those that want you to subscribe before they subscribe back.. no thanks! If you want to come check out my channel you can here

I tag - Emily, Chloe and Francesca

Paige, x


Tuesday, July 12

Mascara Heads Up!

If your like me and you find mascaras so tricky because they all smudge and go everywhere then you'll know what a hard decision you've got when it comes to making a purchase. To make it a bit clearer I've decided to round up a few that you might want to stay away from! 

Too Faced 
Better Than Sex 

This is my all time favourite mascara, but I just can't wear it. This smudges the worst out of all of them and its the most expensive too. Its worth mentioning however that I do sometimes wear another mascara or a clear coat over the top to sort of lock and seal it in place, sometimes this does work however often it doesn't. There is now a new waterproof version so that could be the solution!

Max Factor
2000 Calorie

This is probably the worst mascara I've ever tried. As you can see just looking from the brush, there looks like theres nothing on it! However even if you put a tiny coat on in roughly 15 minutes it will be all over your face! Again this has a waterproof version so if you've tried that please let me know what you think! 

The Falsies Push Up Drama

I was so excited to try this one and although this is such a fantastic mascara as it has such a wet formula the smudging is unbearable. I just can't seem to use this one at all, maybe if I let it sort of dry out a bit first then that might help! If you want a Maybelline alternative then the Lash Sensational is one I'd 100% recommend! 

If you know of any mascaras that smudge please let a girl know either in the comments or over on Twitter, I'm over at xPaigeAllan

Paige, x


Monday, July 11

Products I Regret Buying

When it comes to products everyone has a set idea or thought of what it will be like and sometimes products adhere to that or even bound over your expectations, but sometimes they don't. 

Barry M Afterglow Light Bronzer - Now I did actually get this free when I spent over a certain amount on Barry M but I'm just going to include it anyway. My eyes literally lit up when I seen I could also pick this up and for free too however when I actually applied it it was so orange its virtually unusable. I usually use cool tones to contour and then a warmer shade to bronze so I imagined this to be perfect but sadly its not; I think ill just have to use it as an eyeshadow to get my use out of it! 

NYX HD Finishing Powder - This was one of the first things I picked up when a NYX store came to my local Boots and I was so excited to try it as I've never tried a loose powder before. I originally tried to 'bake' under my eyes using my Real Techniques Complexion Sponge however it immediately caked up and looked disgusting. Even my poor sponge looked awful and needed a good wash. 

Barry M Flawless Light Reflecting Concealer - I had such high hopes for this concealer and don't get me wrong I do like it however if Id of known what it was like I wouldn't of bought it. Firstly the applicator is awful its like a brush that doesn't give you enough product and what it does give you is really sheer. If your looking for something to use day to day with not too much coverage or brightening properties then go for this. However this isn't what I was looking for. 

Rimmel Provocalips Lipstick - My friend Sarah really likes these (blog here) and after spotting this shade I thought I would give it a try. Its essentially a liquid lipstick with a hydrating balm. When I first applied it I loved the colour however when it dried it looked awful; it was patchy in places and very thick in others. Even with the balm it looked shocking.

Paige, x


Sunday, July 10

4 Ways To Use A Facial Oil

While having dry and dehydrated skin I thought I would finally get round to buying a facial oil, not only do these provide moisture to the skin but also your favourite products! I have 4 ways in which you can use your facial oil to make life a bit easier!

1. General facial hydration - The first way is the sole purpose of the oil; to moisturise and hydrate the skin. I use a moisturiser but felt like it wasn't enough hence my reasoning behind buying an oil. 

2. Add it to any dry creams - For me theres nothing worse than trying to conceal, highlight or contour with a cream that drags across your skin. Add a bit of oil to it and it transforms it! On the swatches below the left shade has oil mixed to it whereas the right does not.. can you tell how drying that is?!

3. Use it with a beauty sponge - When you've got your cream highlight and contour all drawn out add some oil straight to your wet sponge and everything will literally melt into the skin and blend so dreamily together. 

4. Add it to foundation - This foundation really shows my dry patches and drags across the skin ever so slightly but when mixed with a facial oil it looks so much more glowy and healthier. It also works even better with a beauty sponge too! 

Paige, x

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