Sunday, July 17

My Make-Up Story Tag

I'd seen this tag floating around on the internet and wanted to try it so much as I love posts where you can get to know the blogger a bit more, plus I really love answering questions.. is that weird? So when my gorgeous friend Hannah tagged me I was over the moon. 

If you follow me on twitter - xPaigeAllan - then you'll know Hannah already as we regularly take part in chats together!

How old were you when you started wearing make-up?

I was about 13/ 14 when I first started to delve into the world of orange dream matte mouse and sparkly green eyeshadow- that matched my sparkly green cardigan from Tammy Girl if you must know! 

How did you get into make-up?

I'm not sure really! I think on the weekends the 'popular' girls were wearing it so I took a trip to Superdrug with no idea what I was buying and decided to start to play around with it. 

What are some of your favourite brands?

In terms of drugstore I absolutely love Makeup Revolution and for High End it has to be Too Faced!

What does make-up mean to you?

Its my passion. Take away the fact that I might not be any good at applying it or know what I'm doing but I love it anyway. I could talk about it all day and it just makes me happy as cringey as that sounds. You might be thinking its just make-up but couldn't you say that about any other hobby or interest?

If you could only wear 4 products on your face, what would they be?

Definitely the same as Hannah; Foundation, Bronzer, Mascara and a Brow pomade. If I could only pick 1 product for each of them categories it would be: YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, MUR Face Sculpt Duo, Maybelline Lash Sensational and Freedom Brow Pomade.

What is your favourite thing about make-up?

Again just how it makes me happy. Its all so pretty and each product is so different from the next. You can totally transform yourself or enhance your natural beauty. 

What do you think of Drugstore VS High End make-up?

To me the brand is irrelevant, if the product is amazing then it doesn't matter if you've paid £1 or something daft for it. Personally I have a few key high end pieces that I do love and will always repurchase however I'm definitely a drugstore kinda gal at heart. 

What is one tip you would give to a beginner?

Always swatch foundation! Don't make the mistake I did with a foundation that was about 20 shades too orange. 

What is one make-up trend you've never understood?

Lip Ombre for sure. I just don't see the point, it looks either fake or unnoticeable most of the time anyway. 

What do you think of the beauty community on Youtube?

Its not as open and friendly as in the blogger world. Its so hard to find genuine people and yes I'm talking to those that want you to subscribe before they subscribe back.. no thanks! If you want to come check out my channel you can here

I tag - Emily, Chloe and Francesca

Paige, x


1 comment

  1. Aw this is so interesting! :) I did a regular makeup tag on my blog and really enjoyed it


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