Sunday, August 28

Top 5 Makeup Brushes!

When it comes to makeup brushes its hard to decide what to go for as most of them are pretty expensive and you don't know how well they perform of if they shed at all. Here are my top 5 favourites- which none of them shed!

MUR Powder brush; If you watch the likes of MannyMua and Hannah Renee then you’ll know the brushes that they use for bronzer look amazing! When I seen this and seen how similar it was to the ones that they use I thought I best pick it up. I haven’t been able to put this down since I got it, the flat front and back of it make it easy to place product whereas the soft bristles make it easy to blend it out seamlessly. Its also in the top 5 because erm look at it?!

NYX Blending Crease Brush; I definitely had to mention an eye brush in my top 5 and you cant go wrong with a blending crease brush! This one is from NYX and if you haven’t already tried their brushes you really need to! This one is the perfect size, shape and fluffiness to buff and blend the shaddow. I have a few NYX brushes but this one is definitely my favourite!

Zoeva Highlight brush; This does what it says on the handle! Its such a gorgeous highlighter brush, especially if you want that really intense look. Again this is another delicately soft brush that picks up just the right amount of product. I also love the fact that the bristles are white!

Real Techniques Setting brush; I have two of these and use them for many different things, number 1 being setting my concealer under my eyes. This is such the perfect shape as it can get right under the eye very easily. Its also so soft and not scratchy at all which is exactly what you want for a brush to be used under the eye. I also use one of these as a huge blending brush to blend out my crease and transition shade.

Real Techniques Duo Fibre Blush brush; Okay so this isn’t just for blush it can be used for almost anything, don’t let the name of it define how you use it! I do use this for mainly blusher however I’ve used it for powder and bronzer before. The fact that its duo fibre means that for the likes of blusher that could be really bright it only picks up a tiny bit of the product. I feel like when I use this no matter how bright or pigmented the blusher is I never accidently put too much on.

Paige, x

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