Tuesday, August 9

My Week In Lipsticks!

If you follow me on Snapchat (thefashionwayx) then you'll know that sometimes I like to share with you all my favourite lipstick combinations or just show what I'm wearing that day so when I seen this idea on twitter I thought I would jump on the band waggon and let you know what I've been wearing on my lips this week! 

When it comes to lip products I have so many from lipsticks to glosses and crayons so I like to switch it up and wear something different day to day. This week I managed 5 different lip options; all of them which I'm in love with! Some of these I have mixed with various lip liners however they tend to just be a muted brown shade. 

MAC Yash

This is a matte formula, not something I go for often in a lipstick (bullet) as I like to go for more of a satin finish however this colour is too pretty not to use. If you love velvet teddy then you'll like this more. it has less of an orange tone to it and is just very nude. This lip also goes with anything I choose to wear so its also super easy to just chuck on and go! 

Primark PS Liquid Lipstick Nude

The first liquid lipstick of the week is this £2 little gem! I wasn't too keen on the colour but paired with a liner its gorgeous! This doesn't crack off, flake, fade or transfer and as liquid lippies go its not even that drying! Stay tuned for a full review of this soon. 

NYX Lingerie Liquid Lipstick Bedtime Flirt

If your looking for MAC's velvet teddy in liquid lipstick form then this is the one for you! The consistency of this is super similar to the Primark ones so if you have tried those then you need to get your hands on these! 

Sleek Crayon Notorious Nude

This is something so different in my collection; its essentially a nude crayon lipstick with a plumping affect to it. I loved the colour so thought I would give it a go as I've never tried anything that plumps the lips before. The tingling sensation is nice and lasts for around an hour so if your not keen on that then stay away from this. 

MAC Blankety

Another MAC lipstick this week however this one being an amplified formula. I reached for this when my lips were feeling super dry and couldn't of handled a matte lipstick. I don't often opt for this as the colour doesn't suit me too much but with my dark eye makeup this actually looked okay!

Let me know if you liked this post and I'll make sure I do it more often! 

Paige, x


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