Tuesday, January 31

Makeup Revolution Highlight Palette | Review & Swatches

By now if you don't know that eyeshadow palettes and highlighters are my thing then where have you been?

As soon as I seen this on the Makeup Revolution Instagram I knew I had to have it, even before swatching it. So when my boyfriend took me into Superdrug and got me to pick out some bits for christmas I went straight over and handed him this. 

(please excuse the indent in the last shade- sobbing rn)

Firstly, this palette is £10 and you get 8 different shades! That alone I think is pretty amazing, wether your highlighter draw is full or you've never dared to wear it I really think this will be for everyone.

As for the packaging this is sturdy but basic, most of my MUR stuff does break a lot but saying that I use it allllll the time so I can't expect it not too! This however doesn't feel as flimsy as some of my other products which is a bonus as highlighters are a bit more delicate. 

This also doesn't have a mirror but I'm not complaining, if a palette includes a full face worth of products then I like it to have a mirror just incase I want to just take that with me however with this I don't feel like a mirror is needed. 

What I like about this palette is how many varied and different shades there is. Wether its a gold, pink or bronze highlighter you love then this palette is for you. 

I feel like both of the rows have the same shades but the bottom row is more in your face and popping if you know what I mean! The highlighters are so smooth and buttery too and honestly for a drugstore product their amazing. They are also quite finely milled too and don't have huge chunks of glitter in them either which I love!  

Top Row.

The first shade is a white/ baby pink shade which is very light in pigmentation so looks really nice if your just wanting something simple and not too in your face. 

The second shade is probably my favourite- this one is hella pigmented (the swatches are rubbish!) I use the one below it as a blush topper then go over with this on a more detailed brush. 

If you like anything gold such as MAC Soft and Gentle or Laura Geller Guilded Honey then the third shade is the shade for you!

The final shade in this row is gorgeous too, if the one previous isn't as dark of a gold as you wanted then this is an intensified version.

Bottom Row.

The first shade is a very very bright white/ golden yellow shade which is incredibly intense.

The second shade I use as a blush topper, its a stunning pinky coral with gold shimmer running throughout. 

The third shade is like The Balm Mary Lou mixed with copper and is something quite different and unique.

Finally the last shade, and the damaged one is a beautiful coppery bronze. Unfortunately this is too dark for my skin tone so I use this as a shaddow! 

What do you think, would this be something you would pick up?

Paige, x


Monday, January 30

Feel Unique Haul

After receiving a few skincare items for Christmas I've been obsessed with looking after myself wether thats through skincare, sorting my sleep out or wanting to whiten my teeth, so I thought I would treat myself to something other than makeup for once!

The two main things I went on Feel Unique for was the This Works Pillow Spray and the Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream. I ended up buying 2 gift sets as I found you got more for your money and it gives me the chance to try other products from the range!

With my order I also received 2 samples; the Vichy Serum and the L'Occitane Ultra Rich Comforting Cream which I'm so excited to try as I've never used anything from these brands before yet have heard so much about them! 

The first set I picked up was the This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Talk which contains a 7ml Pillow Spray and then a 5ml Stress Less Liquid. This cost me £22 which I thought was pretty good! 

I struggle with sleep so I can't wait to test this out so I can review it for you and let you know if this actually works.. 

Finally I decided to pick up an Elizabeth Arden set as I really wanted the 8 Hour Cream (which costs £27!) however this set includes the Intensive Daily Moisturiser 15ml and the Lip Protectant Stick all for only £22.40! I literally couldn't resist this amazing deal and if its something you've been eying up for a while I'd definitely suggest picking it up!

So far I'm absolutely loving the original cream and the lip protectant stick and have noticed a difference already!

So that was my haul.. and a first of many!

Paige, x

Sunday, January 29

Where Have I Been & 7 Things To Do in 2017

Hi and I'm back! After what feels like forever and my 100th blogging break, here I am back again. I've had a stressful few months working and being at Uni full time however I now feel like I can get back to doing what I love as my assignments have cooled down and I've now cut down my working hours.

This year I want to do something other than just blog about beauty, hence why I'm kicking the year off with a non makeup related post. Yes, I'm still obsessed with everything in that department but theres so much more I want to write about too. I've got a lot of plans for this year already so get ready to read all about them!

1. Be Happy- Never in my life have I continuously felt happy but this year I'm going to change that. I'm going to equally say yes to more opportunities but also say no to the things I also don't want to do. I'm coming to the end of my degree too which will make me happy in itself but this will also free up my time so I can focus a bit more on myself. 

2. Travel- This is something I've always wanted to do and I feel like this year is the right time to do it. Me and my boyfriend have already got so many adventures planned including Zante, Thailand and Grenoble and were even getting a GoPro to document it all!

3. Save- I'm a pretty good saver but recently I've been a really bad impulse shopper and I need to snap out of it. If I don't need the money for traveling I need it for saving up for a deposit on a house which will hopefully be 2018/19. This year is just about preparation. 

4. Loose Weight- I know, I know this is a typical 'new years resolution type thing' but in all seriousness this is something that NEEDS to happen. I've already lost a stone and have at least another stone to go so I'm hoping I can stay on track. 

5. Be More Confident- This comes hand in hand with losing weight in all honesty, I know its not all about looks and it isn't but its how you feel too and I feel awful in myself. This isn't me and I just want to get back to being carefree and confident!

6. Make More Of An Effort- This is relevant to so many situations but I just think I'm getting a bit lazy in every aspect of my life. I need to get myself organised and start looking after myself.

7. Be Easy Going- I get that this is sort of the same type of thing as 1, 5 & 6 but I just think sometimes I'm a bit hard to deal with.. which makes me sound like such a bitch! I don't want to be like this anymore and want to just be carefree and enjoy whatever comes my way. I just need to take a deep breath and forget everything I know and go with whatever my heart desires.

Thanks for reading this really relaxed, chatty and laid back post but expect to see more from me over the next few weeks.

Paige, x
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