Monday, March 9

Empties ● The primer edition

Seen as though I've never done an empties post before I thought I would kick it off with a few primers I've used up recently!

(The Happy Light primer doesn't look empty but I promise it is- its just stuck to the side!)

I've been really getting into primers recently so it really didn't take me long to use these up. The Urban Decay primer potion is always a repurchase, I just find that nothing can compete with its staying power or the way it makes my eye shadow look. If you haven't tried it there's a travel size sample you can get -see my post here- and they also do it in all the shades of the primer potion (gold etc). 

The Bourjois happy light primer is the best general face primer I've ever tried- just putting it out there! It does absolute wonders to my foundation and just makes it look so smooth and flawless. Its well worth the price and if you get this in a 3 for 2 or something that's when it would make most sense! I also feel this just brightens my whole complexion up and really helps with my dry patches!

Finally is the Porefessional by Benefit, something everybody loves.. except me. With me having dry skin this looks absolutely awful on me and just exaggerates all the areas I want to hide. I really hate the formula aswell, the waxy thick cream really makes me feel like I'm putting more cakeyness onto my skin before my foundation. 

I'm also now trying out MAC strobe cream so I'll let you know how I get on with that!

Paige, x

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