Sunday, June 19

Liebster Award & Tag!

If you've read my blog for a while you will know that I have done this tag before although that post is no longer up so when Emily from emilyslittlenotepad tagged me in this I was super excited. So thanks Emily!

The Rules:

1. Mention the blogger who tagged you and thank them
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger has asked you

1. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

This is a hard one as its a tie between been able to write about something I'm so passionate about but also the friends you make along the way. I have so many amazing blogger friends and can't wait to meet up with them all one day!

2. Favourite budget beauty product?

Such a hard one! Im going to say the Makeup Revolution Face Sculpt Duo because I currently can't put that down! I've recently just mentioned it on my latest video here.

3. What's your favourite makeup brand?

In terms of drugstore it would be 100% Makeup Revolution however on the higher end side of things Too Faced is my favourite!

4. What product are you reaching for most in the summer months?

Radiant light highlighters again from Makeup Revolution.. can you tell how much I love that brand? 

5. Blog post that your most proud of?

Either my first lifestyle post which you can read here as its something I've been wanting to do for a while or this post on a NARS Concealer dupe as I love posts that are helpful.

6. Which country are you dying to visit?


7. What music artist/ band are you listening to non stop?

None really! I just stick a playlist on spotify or if I'm driving just the radio, I'm not too big on artists and bands as I just listen to whatever. 

8. Favourite season?

Autumn definitely. I love the leaves and getting your winter wardrobe ready. 

9. One makeup product you've been dying to try?

The Too Faced Born This Way concealer! 

10. Your blogging goals for 2016? 

Of course I want my blog to grow and I do have a page view goal I want to hit but more importantly for me I want to get more involved in the blogging community and just make more friends. 

11. Best piece of blogging advice?

Share everything. If you post something tell everyone on Twitter/ Instagram etc otherwise nobody will know about you or your blog!

I nominate Hannah, Katie, Beth and Kasie to do the tag!

My questions are:

1. What was the reason you started a blog in the first place?
2. What is your makeup guilty pleasure?
3. Favourite foundation?
4. Any products that have disappointed you?
5. One thing you would love to improve on your blog?
6. A brand you have been dying to try?
7. Favourite social media platform?
8. What beauty brand would you like to try next?
9. What is the number 1 product you would recommend? 
10. Have you found any dupes? If so what?!
11. Finally because I'm such a foodie- Starter or Desert? 

Paige, x


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