Monday, May 30

Palettes I Need To Use More!

Hidden in the numerous palettes that I own I rediscovered these. These are palettes that I rarely ever use but were so god damn expensive I need to use them more!

Urban Decay Naked 2

This was my first ever high end eyeshadow palette and I remember I got this especially for prom. I went through a stage of loving this however I feel like I moved on to bigger and better things. Im honestly not impressed by the pigmentation of these and the fallout is ridiculous and because most of the shadows are dark its just a mess. I think the main reason behind why I don't reach for this palette is because most of the shades are shimmer and while I do enjoy a good shimmer shade on the lid I prefer warm matte tones more. 

Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani

I knew I shouldn't have got this, I was being greedy and knew I didn't NEED it. I've used this only a handful of times and while the colours are lovely I have better palettes. I love a peanut butter shade and this lacks that. The colours are also very cool toned when on the eyes. I feel like if I take my favourite shades from this and pair them with my favourite shades from another palette this is how I can use this more! 

Anastasia Beverly Hills Cream Contour Kit 

I was so excited to get this and it was again something really expensive however this is the biggest disappoint ever. The creams are that thick that they literally don't blend or budge on the face. Theres not much to say other than that. As you can see I've tried to use it a few times but it won't blend out! I can get away with the lighter colours but the contour shades are a no go. I'm going to pick up a facial oil and add this either directly to the product or to my beauty blender and see if that helps! I've also tried MAC Fix + with this and it does nothing! 

Paige, x



  1. Thanks for the heads up about the contour kit! I really enjoyed the Naked 2 in high school, but recently decided to toss it. I had also moved onto bigger things.

  2. I love a good palette and really need to use mine more... They just look so good 'un-touched' so im slightly scared to wreck them haha!

    Kirsty x


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