Sunday, March 13

MAC Emphasise & Sculpt powders

I'd been eyeing up these products for a while and seeing as they're on the PRO line it would never let me add them to my basket; until now. I literally screamed with joy - I've been waiting so long to get my hands on these and now I can't wait to show you them and discuss just how much they lived up to my expectations.

So firstly these products are essentially to highlight and contour your face; the lighter being to set the highlighted parts and the darker to contour and sculpt the face as its name suggests! As you can see they both come in pan form which might be a bother to some people but if you have a Z Palette they can just be slotted in there as thats what I've done! I find this such an easy way to store them because the packaging of the palette isn't that bulky and it can fit straight in my makeup bag when I'm heading off to my boyfriends. 


This is a lovely creamy white coloured powder which doesn't have any yellow in which I actually prefer! This does have some shimmer in it but none that you could really pick up on which is great as it adds a little something extra under the eyes to make them look bright and awake without being too glittery. I think this is the best shade for lighter skintones as the other appear either too yellow or pink  toned. I use this to set anywhere that I've highlighted/ concealed just to set it in place as well as also acting as a highlighter in itself. No matter what concealer I use this always prevents it creasing! As the powder is very subtle its very natural looking and you wouldn't ever be able to achieve the whole white under-eye look. 


This was the product I was most excited to try as I love finding new products to bronze/ contour with.  This is definitely a contour shade as it has more of that grey undertone throughout it, which is perfect for my skintone! I find the powder has just the right amount of pigmentation too so you don't accidentally go overboard. This again was my favourite shade from the range as its not too warm nor ashy. Overall I think this is my favourite powder to contour with out of everything I own and I can't wait to show you it on a GRWM or tutorial! 

Paige, x

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