Tuesday, February 23

NARS Creamy Concealer DUPE

NARS is a brand that is so ridiculously expensive so when I noticed a dupe for the infamous creamy concealer I had to let you all know! 

There are obviously slight differences but overall I think this is a pretty good dupe and one that is far more inexpensive. The NARS concealer retails roughly at £22 whereas the Maybelline concealer is just £5.99. 

So looking at them side by side you can sort of tell what Maybelline has tried to do, everything from the actual tube to the handle is extremely similar. With NARS being of a higher price tag you would certainly expect that they wouldn't be similar hence the signature rubbery material on the handle and glossy packaging. 

You can also tell which one is drugstore as the NARS concealer is very simple and neat looking whereas the Maybelline concealer has all of the product information and ingredients printed on the side. While looking at this information I noticed that you actually get more product in the Maybelline concealer as you get 6.8ml compared to only 6 from NARS.

The thing that made me realise they were dupes was actually the applicators; as you can see they are virtually identical but the NARS doe foot applicator being a little longer. 

I also noticed that with the NARS concealer a lot of product got smudged all along the wand whereas it doesn't so much with the Maybelline one. I know this is only a little detail but if your paying £22 for a concealer and half its product you can't get too then this isn't great. 

Here are swatches off the too- ignore the shades as they look far too orange on my hand but I promise they apply on the face the right colour!

I've got the NARS concealer in the shade Custard (I need vanilla next time) and the lightest shade for the Maybelline concealer. As you can see the colour of these two put together are so similar its amazing! You can see the difference in texture here as the NARS one is a lot thicker and dries very quickly. Because of this I find myself reaching for my Maybelline one more as it not only is more hydrating under the eyes but doesn't set before you can blend it in.

In terms of coverage they are exactly the same; Ive even tried using them both one on each eye to see if I could notice a different and I couldn't. 

Overall I wouldn't repurchase the NARS concealer after finding this little dupe. Theres many drugstore concealers that are brilliant and now after trying a few I definitely don't think that the NARS creamy concealer is anything special. However in terms of the Maybelline concealer I will be repurchasing this!! Its just so creamy, lightweight and not drying under the eyes and for the price tag I couldn't recommend this enough! 

If you're thinking about trying the NARS one I would definitely pick this Maybelline dupe up first! 

Paige, x


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