Monday, September 28

Love/ Hate tag

As you may of seen I occasionally take part in tags as I love that it lets you get to know fellow bloggers and for them and your readers to get to know you so when I was tagged by Emily -blog here- I couldn't wait to start typing this up!

The rules are to create a list of 10 things you love and 10 things you hate. After you've finished you have to tag 10 fellow bloggers to complete the tag.


1. Food - Now this is obviously number one. I wish that I was naturally skinny so that I could eat to my hearts content.. sadly that isn't the cake.. I mean case. 

2. Dogs - I had a very deprived childhood of growing up without any animals (cry), every Christmas and birthday I would secretly hope there would be a puppy tied up in ribbon but there never was (cry harder). I cant walk past a dog without going 'AWWWW I WANT ONE'. I'm quite obsessed.

3. Make up - I mean come on, this had to be included! I spend my time stalking MUA's instagrams trying to curb my shopping addiction but that never works and I only just end up buying more. 

4. Autumn/ Winter - I love this time of year and how its cosy and all the good events are starting to happen! Layering and drinking hot chocolates while watching hocus pocus, now that is life. 

5. Blogging & YouTube - I absolutely love writing this blog and although it may not be 'big' and well known I couldn't imagine me ever not doing this. As for YouTube even though I've just started I love it already and can't wait to film more videos!

6. Travelling - I've been very fortunate to see the world as much as I have but that's only made me want to see more. I would love to do an American road trip, get married in the Maldives and trek through Thailand. 

7. Cute dates - My boyfriend isn't the soppy type but he knows how to plan a good date I must say, from anything from a picnic to a weekend away at the Lake district. 

8. Shopping - The less I say about this the better.. I need to resist online shopping.. don't click new tab.

9. Friends - I only have a few really close friends but they honestly are the best, they support me in anything I choose to do and I couldn't not include them. I especially love how there also bloggers/ YouTuber's! Sarah, Katie.. I'm looking at you!

10.  Having plans - I get so excited when there's something to look forward to!


1. Spiders - This is so obvious but I couldn't not include them. They make my skin crawl and ever since one fell out of my jacket sleeve they creep me out even more. 

2. Being sick - Again another obvious one but it's just horrible! Crying for my mam is not something that I enjoy doing believe it or not. 

3. Being outside in the rain - There is nothing worse, especially when having to get public transport and then walking to uni. Even with an umbrella it still ruins hair and outfits!

4. Driving/ Learning to drive/ being in a car - This is something that makes me anxious and nauseous and the reason why I haven't yet started driving lessons. This is probably the thing I'm most scared of in the entire world.

5. Surprises - I hate not being prepared, knowing what I'm doing or what type of thing to wear so surprises are a no from me. 

6. People who 'say what they want' - This basically is people that we all know who just say whatever and don't really care that they offend people. There is a huge difference between saying it how it is and just being plain nasty. 

7. Feeling left out - I copied this one off Emily but it is a good one. There's nothing worse when all you want is to be friends with people yet whatever you do you always feel like the one that's left out or behind. The extra wheel to the friendship group.

8. Piercings/ Tattoos - By this I mean facial piercings and then random, shoddy jobbed tatts that look like a five year old has done them. 

9. Having to rush - There is nothing worse than being a girl and being rushed, we cant just shot some clothes on like boys do, there takes a lot of effort including hair and make up!

10. Mushrooms - One word sums this one up perfectly.. disgusting. 

I nominate:

Katie Atwell 

Paige, x


Sunday, September 27

A new chapter..

On Wednesday I took the plunge and decided to chase my dreams and create a YouTube channel! 

I'm so beyond excited to get filming and interacting with all those who chose to follow me on this journey. I've been wanting this for as long as I can remember so I had to start at some point. 

My channel will mainly consist of everything beauty related which I know you will all love, I also want to incorporate fashion into it too by doing OOTD's and plenty of hauls!

My first video is live and I would appreciate it more than you could ever imagine if you went and checked it out!

Thank you all so much already for your continued support!! 

(The link is at the top on the page)

Paige, x


Tuesday, September 22

Cheap Treat Tuesday // Where to find cheap make up

As I always do cheap make up products on Tuesday's I thought its about time I posted my tips on where's the cheapest to buy them from!

Tip 1: Look on Google shopping to see how much the item is full price, this way if you come across what your looking for you'll know if your really saving yourself some money.

Tip 2: Search Pinterest for make up dupes, Essence do a lot of high end copies!

Tip 3: Search eBay, especially outside of the UK you can find some real bargains! You can always use Depop too but make sure to not pay through Friends & Family.

Tip 5: Check stores such as Tk Maxx and Tj Hughes as they sell brands for sometimes more than half price. 

Paige, x

Monday, September 21

Products not worth the hype

The blogging and YouTube community is so big now that I find that when one person says that a product is great everybody seems to rush out and get it.. including me. Most of the time you can rely on their opinion but sometimes you get the product and its such a let down and not something you would have ever bought if you were looking at it on a make up counter yourself. 

Here are the products that I personally don't think are worth it.

Younique 3D Fibre Lash Mascara:

You can read my review all about this here. I was actually sent this mascara package to review and I was honestly so excited and I had very high hopes however this didn't create the effect that all the presenters make out. It clumped my lashes and made them look awful, the little fibres also got in my eyes which is so dangerous so therefore I was actually quite scared and hesitant to use this again. It also doesn't help that they smell disgusting and although the smell does disappear its still not nice when you're applying it. For the hefty price tag and lengthy delivery time I wouldn't bother with this and there's now quite a lot of similar products on the market that are probably a lot cheaper and are virtually the same thing if not better. 

NARS Orgasm Blusher:

This is so raved about and I honestly don't know why. Yes it looks gorgeous and the packaging is just so dreamy but the product is such a let down. It's not very pigmented at all and the more you try to build it up it appears your just getting the glitter and not the pink colour. There are plenty of dupes of this including products from Sleek which are less than half the price of this.

MAC Naked Lunch & All That Glitters:

These eyeshadows were amongst the first MAC ones I ever bought and while I do still like them they just aren't worth it, there are so many nicer and more pigmented shadows out there to buy. I personally think the likes of MUG and Bobbi Brown are way better. As you can see from the swatches (Naked Lunch, NARS blusher, All That Glitters) they're barely noticeable. If you are going to buy some shadows from MAC make sure they're not these.

MAC Prep + Prime:

I got this with high hopes and in the shade Light Boost. I've also done a full blog post dedicated to how this isn't worth the money- or in other words a review here. This isn't as highlighting as I wanted it to be and I personally think that drugstore alternatives. If you have dry patches beware of this as it just shows them more.

Maybelline Eraser Concealer:

It seems like every blogger raves about this but I just don't understand why. It's so full coverage it may as well be a foundation so I find that it's way too thick for under the eyes. This also doesn't highlight or brighten like I would usually like my concealer to do. The colour range is rubbish too with the lighter shade always being sold out, however judging by this I think the lighter shade will still be way too dark. I like the MUA concealer stick way more than this and that's only a few pounds. 

What do you think of these products? Do you think they are worth the hype?

Paige, x


Sunday, September 20

Haul // Make Up Revolution

As my love for MUA is quite known I get told all the time that I should try the brand Make Up Revolution, a similar brand in terms of great quality products for very little prices. So I went to the website and chose a few goodies! 

I'll be doing single reviews of each of the products in the weeks to come so no swatches will be on this post as its just a haul to show you what I've bought!

Ultra Eyeshadows - Flawless Matte:

Matte eyeshadows are so easy to wear, especially throughout the day when I'm just going to uni and don't want to put a lot of effort into my eye make up. I have palettes with matte shaddows in but I wanted something with only matte shades and something that wasn't as bulky - compared to my 100+ colour palettes. I also wanted purely neutral shades such as creams, browns, muted pinks and blacks and this palette offered all of what I was looking for. 

There are 32 shades all together and although some of them may look the same when swatched they are completely different. My favourite shades would have to be Rosewood, Wood and Earth. These are so pigmented too and leave no fallout which is great! I'm really pleasantly surprised by how good this is!

Triple Baked Blusher - 

I wanted to use this as a blusher and highlighter in one to give a gorgeous pinky glow to my cheeks. I'm so happy I picked this up after hearing so much about it, just look how cute it is! When using this on a brush its not too pigmented which I actually really like because I would rather build up the look I want rather than just have bright pink glittery cheeks! I'm so excited to show you all swatches of this!

The Matte Blush - Naked:

I don't really have many blushers that are 'nude' as their all very bright pinks or more on the berry side. I wanted something with little colour just to add when I'm feeling a bit bare after I've contoured and this will do the job perfectly. This is extremely pigmented so you have to use a really light hand but that's only a good thing right? This will last me forever.

What would you recommend from Make Up Revolution?

Paige, x


Tuesday, September 15

Cheap Treat Tuesday // Gosh #Foundation Drops

This has been advertised before every YouTube video I've watched recently so it got me really intrigued and interested to find out more! When I read more about this foundation it sounded so cool and reminded me of the latest MAC foundation that has just been released. 

The packaging:

I absolutely love the packaging of this, I love how its black and very sleek looking - in comparison to other drug store foundations. I also think the pipette dispenser is such a cool and interesting idea and is like nothing I have ever used before, never mind being totally new to the drugstore market. With this being quite a watery and buildable foundation I find that the pipette is a clever way of using it rather than it being in a pump or just a pour out bottle. I either put it straight onto my face and then blend or put it on a flat top buffing brush like the one above. 

Another thing I like about the packaging is that it gets straight to the point, it lets you know what it is and what it does straight away without you having to read all the small print on the back or read up on it online. The use of hash tags is also very 'trendy' right now so I quite liked that touch. 

The foundation:

Firstly this foundation claims that its hydrating and soothing with buildable coverage creating a natural finish and lightweight feeling and I can agree with this completely. I really think this is such a gorgeous foundation and if your new to make up or don't like to wear a lot of heavy, thick foundation this one is for you! Its also very dewy and glowy so if you want something to brighten your complexion and not cling to any dry patches this is great! This foundation gives such a nice feel to the skin, almost silk like. This also has SPF 10 in it which isn't really a lot but its better than nothing and you can always use a higher SPF moisturiser before hand. 

As for the shade range I find that a lot of medium to dark skinned girls will find this hard to colour match as there is only five shades and as mine is in the shade 006 Tawny, that being the third shade the colours don't really get too dark from this.

The price:

This is still on introductory offer for £9.99 in Superdrug with its full price being £12.99. As this is slightly more expensive than brands like Rimmel, Revlon and Bourjois I do think this foundation is worth it. However if you are thinking about picking this up then I would definitely go and get it while its on offer just to save yourself some pennies! 

Here is what it looks like on!

Is this something you would like to try?

Paige, x


Monday, September 14

Products worth the hype

I buy so much make up and a lot of the time its products that have been heavily advertised and talked about in the beauty community, both on blog posts and YouTube. However there's nothing worse than when you pay a lot for something that's quite frankly rubbish.

Here are some of my favourite products that I genuinely do believe are worth the purchase.

Urban Decay Naked 2

I really love Urban Decay shadows and think they really are such a nice product to work with. The reason I think this palette is worth the hype is not only because of the amazing quality and pigmentation of the shaddows but also because you're really getting a lot for your money. These eyeshadows never seem to hit pan either, apart from that sneaky Booty call so your going to have this for quite some time. You can also create so many different looks and there is something for everyone with this. 

MAC Fix +

You can read my post I did about this here. This has so many purposes and can be used for any of your make up needs!

MAC Lipsticks

These are so worth the money; the colour selection is incredible and again has something for everyone. 

MAC Soft and Gentle Highlighter

Commonly in my monthly favourites this will always be a repurchase. The glitter is just enough and isn't chunky and can be used on the brow bone, inner eye corner or even as an eyeshadow! This is also a product that will last you forever.

Roller Lash Mascara

There's a reason as to why everyone uses this, it is amazing! You wouldn't be disappointed if you purchased this because it gives length and lift like no other mascara. Plus the packaging is just too cute!

Mary-Lou Manizer Highlighter

This is more of a champagne colour compared to the MAC one which is gold. I'm not saying you need both but this is just as stunning. You really only need the tiniest bit and this too can be used as eyeshaddow!

Dip Brow Pomade

An eyebrow game changer. This gives such a prominent sleek look and really makes your eyebrows on point! (Laughs) With this less is more hence why I've included a picture to show how much I've used over the many months I've been using this. 

MAC in comparison to Mary-Lou

Do you agree? Which products do you think are worth it?

Paige, x


Sunday, September 13

MAC Lipstick Collection

MAC lipsticks are my weakness in life, I'm constantly watching videos and reading blog posts about other girls collections and making a list of everything I want. Once in a while I'll go down my list and make a purchase and its probably one of the most exciting things to do. I mainly own mauve/ pink shades and my favourite finish is either Satin or Matte. 

Flamingo - Lustre

This was bought on a whim as its something very different to what I usually go for. This is definitely more of a 'brave' shade and would only look acceptable in summer or on holiday I personally think! This is a light coral shade verging on orange and is very sheer however when trying to build the colour up it goes patchy and clings to any cracks in the lips.

Pure Zen - Cremesheen

This is a lovely light pink/ nude. It looks great with a brown toned lip liner to create that 90's lip. However like Flamingo this clings to any cracks or dry areas on the lips so cant really be layered. 

Brave - Satin

This is such a wearable shade for everyone, its like your lips but better and isn't too in your face. Although the swatch doesn't show it its actually a very muted pink. 

Faux - Satin

This is very similar to Brave however has a look more of Snob with that blue/ purple undertone. This is still such a lovely wearable shade and isn't too over powering like I find Snob is. 

Twig - Satin

Twig is more of a darker more berry toned pink, like your lips but darker. Its not as bold as a red lip but it still stands out. You can wear this either day or night and it won't look stupid or out of place.

Pink Plaid - Matte 

This has more of a bubblegum pink look, with lots of blue undertones. Pink Plaid is very similar to Snob but sadly this is way too dry for me and I've only worn it a handful of times. 

Whirl - Matte

Whirl is completely different to anything in my collection, it has sort of a brick red appearance yet on the lips its more brown toned. This is extremely wearable and doesn't stand out as much as you'd think making it perfect for everyday wear. 

Velvet Teddy - Matte

The iconic Kylie Jenner shade! This a nude with a hint of orange however it goes on slightly brown on the lips which is so in right now. Suits everyone and every skin colour.

Mehr - Matte

This is very similar to Twig but is more of a bold pink. Although even though this is bold it doesn't look to 'out there' or noticeable. 

Do you have any MAC lipstick recommendations?

Paige, x

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