Sunday, June 14

Getting the most out of your products

If make up is expensive or your favourite item in your collection the last thing you want is for it to run out quickly, not suit you or that you simply cant scrape the last bit of foundation out of its tube. I've gathered a few ways to make your products go further and how to get the most out of them - quite literally. 

  • Using lip liners under your lipstick to change the colour
When I first got velvet teddy I was saddened to say that I hated it! The colour didnt suit me in the slightest and I was gutted that I'd paid a lot for it and was unable to use it. However after picking up a few lip liners I discovered a L'oreal one in a muted pink shade- I paired it with velvet teddy and hurray a lip colour I can work. This is a great way to change the colour of a lipstick, to darken it up, lighten it or simply change it all together. I also like this lip liner with Flamingo also from MAC, its a sheer orange shade yet with a pink lip liner all over the lips and then that on top it changes it into a lovely coral colour that I can wear day to day!

  • Mixing moituriser with foundation
Every body has heard of this but its true! I tend to mix my foundation with my moisturiser and it takes it a long way, especially as I don't need the coverage but only colour. It's great if I'm not particularly going anywhere but still want to have some make up on- therefore not wasting my expensive foundation for no reason! 

  • Different density brushes
I find when using a beauty blender most of my product tends to soak up and I'm left using more and more product than I need. I find that if you play around with your brushes you'll find you have ones in your collection that soak up product rather than have it just sitting on top. I use a flat top kabuki style brush for my MAC Face and Body foundation and it works perfectly compared to a stippling brush like I would usually use!

  • Cutting into foundation/ primer tubes
This is something again that everybody has heard of- if your product comes in a plastic tube and you cant reach the last bits of it try cutting it open and you can reach the last of it before you through it away.

  • Outlet stores
Outlet stores are a perfect way to try high end make up for drug store prices. Have a look for your closest one and go check it out. They sell everything from MAC, Smashbox and Bobbi Brown.

  • Dupes for your favourite products
If you take a look at my MAC dupes blog post here then you can gather that having dupes is a great way to get the look you want without the high price tag.

  • Saver stores
If you look in stores like Wilkinson, TK MAXX and TJ Hughes you can find brands such as Rimmel, Too Faced and Max Factor that are cheaper than their orignal retail price. You can pick foundations up for less than £5 in places like these instead of the usual £8 mark.

Paige, x

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