Sunday, May 24

Younique 3D Fibre Lash Mascara - Review

Younique is a brand that I've always been wanting to try and for a while was actually considering becoming a presenter. If you don't know what Younique is its a cosmetics company, similar to Avon that's not sold in shops but via Younique Presenters. Its mostly famous for its 3D fibre lash mascara that's completely different to anything other that you have tried. You only have to Google this to see the amazing results.

I'm so lucky that I was actually given this mascara from Maria (instagram here) who was so lovely and sweet for doing this. In return I thought I would let all my viewers and followers know what I thought about this product and if it was worth buying it. The mascara is £23 and you can buy it from her. This mascara is nothing like I've used before in the sense that they're is a transplant gel and also the fibre lashes. 

Firstly I love the fact that it comes in this little case, to me this presents Younique as a very caring company as they have put this much effort into the presentation. It also put me at ease knowing as it was coming from over seas that the actual product wouldn't get damaged. Inside there's a little information leaflet that's actually really handy to have a quick read! (I actually did this wrong the first time I used it so I would recommend reading it!) 

For the mascara at first I liked it but I personally felt like it looked like any other mascara, fibres or no fibres. It created a thick, full looking effect that wasn't spidery at all. However the more I used it I actually began to realise that the fibres would sort of flake away and smudge under my eye and then create those panda eyes! This wasn't a good look and I continuously had to wipe my face- taking my concealer off too. For me its a love/ hate relationship, if I'm wearing it for a short amount of time then I'm fine but it doesn't make too much of a difference to my lashes sadly. I really wish I loved this but personally for me I don't think its worth the money. 

Paige, x


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