Tuesday, November 22

Aromand UK / Candle Review

Now my blogs had a makeover I really want to start branching out into other things so heres my first proper non beauty related post! When Aromand said they would send me out some candles and bits to review I didn't expect this gorgeous package. If I'm honest I'm quite boring when it comes to candles, I always go for the same scent and never look at any other brands than Yankee Candle however all that has now changed!

Aromand sent me a wide variety of different scents, things I would never even consider to smell never mind purchase them. Some of the scents I thought wouldn't work, were a bit of a strange combination or I just had never heard of them before such as Bergamot. However once I actually smelt them - OH MY GOD - I'm a Aromand candle convert! They are so fresh and just strong enough that you can actually smell them without being too over powering. 

First of all they sent me 2 Tea Light samples, the ones you can buy come in a really fancy glass jar! The first candle is in the scent Berry and Black Pepper which smells incredible, I didn't know what Black Pepper would smell likes but its nice thats for sure. This smells fruity yet really warm at the same time, its perfect for summer yet at the same time still perfect for winter. The second Tea Light is in the scent Lavender and Bergamot, when I seen what this was I really didn't want to smell it because anyone who knows me knows that I hate Lavender, its probably one of the worst scents in the world to me! But when I smelt this I was actually quite surprised, I don't know if its the combination or whether theres only a little bit of Lavender in this but this is actually my favourite out of the two. This one is incredibly fresh and perfect for when you want to relax or after you've just had a big spring clean! I personally think these Tea Lights would be great as a Stocking Filler! They both retail for £7.50

Secondly I was gifted the Canteloupe & Cucumber Room Mist which is hands down a firm favourite out of everything! This again is just the right level of how strong it smells, this scent is very fresh yet also has that sweetness to it. I usually spray 2-3 sprays of this around my room and I find the it lasts hours! I've also noticed that it has seeped into my curtains so now they always smell amazing! This is the 50ml size and it can be purchased for £10. 

Finally I kindly received the Lemongrass and Coconut Mini Tumbler Candle. This came packaged in the nicest box all tied up with ribbon, it was almost as if I didn't want to open it! Again for anyone who knows me my all time favourite scent is Coconut so this was actually like a dream come true. You can smell the coconut however because of the lemongrass its not sickly sweet but has more of a fresh scent. I feel like with all of these candles and sprays whatever scent you pick will have that really fresh scent to it which I really enjoy. This candle is priced at £12.

Overall I absolutely love everything, I love that the whole brand has a very luxurious feel to it making it great for giving the items as presents or just treating yourself to something really fancy! Everything is also handmade in Berkshire! If you want to buy anything or just have a little nosey at what else Aromand have to offer you can find them link down below. 

Paige, x


Monday, November 21

Stocking Filler Ideas

When it comes to stocking fillers and little bits and bobs I'm always useless so I thought I would put together this collection of present ideas that any girl would be happy to have. All of these items are drugstore and really inexpensive so great for Secret Santa or gifts for a new friend. 

L'oreal Lumi Magique Primer

When it comes to winter personally I'm all about that glow purely because of how rubbish my skin gets with this cold wether. This is a great gift because A; its a primer and B; its so glowy and every girl is about that life! This will not only keep makeup on for longer, create a nicer base for makeup but also make that dewy skin look.

NYX Lip Lingerie

This is a liquid lipstick and every girl NEEDS as many liquid lippies as possible in her makeup bag. Theres plenty of shades from nudes to darks so there is literally something for everyone.

MUR Goddess of Love Highlighter

This is something else that comes in lots of different shades from gold to peach, its also such a huge size for a really incredible price. No girl would be disappointed with this gift and with the pigmentation this has I'd definitely have this high up on your list. 

W7 Midsummer Nights Palette

This bad boy is around the £3 mark and if she loves eyeshadow she's bound to love this. This seriously looks like a MAC palette and if that isn't reason enough I'd also say it was better. It's also great for Christmas as the shades are really warm and sparkly. 

MUR Powder Brush

I don't think anyone can have too many brushes in their collection so you can't go wrong with this gift. This is the most expensive at £9.99 so again its great for the likes of Secret Santa. Plus its rose gold and who doesn't love rose gold?! 

What other gifts do you think are great for stocking fillers? 

Paige, x


Tuesday, November 15

3 Christmas Perfumes

Ahh my first proper Christmas post of the year! I wanted to do more of these types of posts this year just to add a different element to my blog in terms of not only the content but the photography too. I've been out and bought lots of winter themed props and backgrounds so I hope you all enjoy them! 

This year I wanted to start off by talking about one of the most popular christmas gifts, perfume. To me perfume is such an easy gift and when someone asks me what I want I just say perfume as its easy for them to buy and to pick one and I'll love it. So, I thought I would pick my 3 favourite perfumes that you could either gift to someone else or ask for for yourself! 

YSL Black Opium 

This is probably my all time favourite fragrance, so much so that I refuse to wear it incase it runs out! As you can imagine this isn't on the low side of price ranges however it is usually on offer! As of right now you can buy the 50ml EDP for £50 which is actually really, really good. This also comes as part of a giftset! 

The smell of this is really feminine yet mysterious and sexy. Whenever I wear this I literally feel amazing and that I can do anything! To describe the smell I would say I can smell vanilla, coffee and a tiny bit of floral. I'm not making it sound amazing but it really is, its also super popular and I don't know anybody that doesn't like it. 

Ralph Lauren Big Pony Woman Pink

To me this is a fragrance that everyone will love- I'm on to my third bottle of this now and I get it every Christmas. When I worked for Boots this is the perfume I'd recommend to teenagers, adults and even the elderly who wanted something young, girly and fun smelling. This is on offer for £30.10 for a 50ml bottle. 

This only comes in ODT however unlike many others this is really strong and long lasting. As for the smell this literally smells how you would imagine the colour pink to smell, floral and fruity. I don't like either of them scents however in this they just work. 

Burberry Body

This perfume is probably the nicest and most luxurious.. I mean its Burberry?! For a start the bottle is just gorgeous and its not even that expensive either. Its usually £55+ however its no longer being sold  at Boots which means you can now find it cheaper online! It's actually only £22.95 for a EDP 60ml! and it even comes with free delivery!

This is quite an unusual scent and not something I would usually go for but now I have I'd definitely check out similar scents. This mainly smells subtly of floral however I can also smell vanilla and amber. Its just a really warm, classy scent that I think the more mature woman would love. If they have the likes of Chanel in their collection they're sure to love this!

What is your favourite perfume?

Paige, x 


Monday, November 14

Violet Voss x Holy Grail Palette | Review + Swatches

When this FINALLY came back in stock I've never got my purse out faster. I seen on the Beauty Bay Instagram that this was back and I was literally SO excited. 

For me I really have a bit of a love/ hate relationship with most palettes. I always find that there is too many creamy pale shades that literally barely show up, an inner corner highlight that isn't pigmented and too many washy cool shades. This on the other hand is right up my street and is just so, so pigmented! 

This palette is a little on the pricey side being £42 however you are getting 20 shadows for that. With this palette as well I can honestly see myself using all of the shades- which is very rare. The reason I decided to go with this rather than the ABH Modern Renaissance was purely because I would use all of the shades compared to roughly 6 or 7 in that palette. 

Like I said before this is incredibly pigmented and all of the photos I've included down below, on my Instagram and on my Snapchat really do it justice. All of the shades but mainly the shimmer colours are so buttery its ridiculous, I've never felt an eyeshadow like it before. And its also worth mentioning that theres no fall out, both in the pan and on the face!

First Row

This row didn't photograph too well but don't let that put you off. The first shade -Crystal- is now my all time favourite inner corner highlight. Most shades I use make my eyes look really dry and almost crusty- yuck, plus they don't even do anything. This on the other hand is almost holographic and really brightens that area up, I feel like you can actually see I have something there now! The second shimmer on this row is the perfect pale pink/ champagne shade for all over the lid and this colour literally makes me feel like a princess. 

As for the mattes in this row these are great for the start of the eye look. Firstly I go in with Thanks A Latte which I use to set my primer and then I go in with one of the orange toned shades as a transition colour.

Second Row

This row is where things start to get a bit more fun because more of the shimmers are introduced! Awesome Sauce is a gorgeous coppery golden shade which looks incredible on the centre of the lid. I find that the shade Bestie is really handy for blending out the shimmers making it look less harsh. 

Toffee is one of my all time favourites in this palette, theres nothing better than having a really pigmented true gold and this is exactly what this is. This also just screams Christmas and New Year to me too. The shade next to that, Chill, is again a shimmer but has a different consistency than the others. Its not as buttery or as pigmented as you can see down below however its as if its meant to be. I still think this is stunning and I tend to use it when I only want a wash of shimmer. The last shade on this row is How U Doin which is an incredible true copper/ rust. 

Third Row

This is probably my favourite row, I mean just look at them first three shades!! Bat my eyes is my single most favourite shade as its a brown shimmer with a hint of gold. This is my go to shade when I want something that will look 100% AMAZE. Cool Beans again is one of my favourites, this one however is more gold than brown and it looks incredible on the centre of the lid. 

So Jelly the light shimmery pink is the only one which I don't think I would use in the whole palette however someone said it was a great highlighter so I'm going to try that!

Fourth Row

This is the darkest and most berry toned out of the whole palette. My favourite in this row definitley has to be Cranberry Splash, its a beautiful cranberry -obviously- warm shade with a tiny bit of gold in it. Other than Glamping which has a different formula like before all of the other shades are mattes and are dark enough for the outer v. 

Although this palette doesn't have a black that isn't something I would use so this palette is pretty perfect for me! Its also great for traveling as its slim, lightweight and has everything I could ever need.

Whats your favourite palette?

Paige, x


Sunday, November 13

L'Oreal True Match Foundation | Review

It's literally been the longest time since I've done a foundation review on my blog, I sometimes do first impressions or mention them in a monthly favourites but other than that you don't see me talk about them very much. 

If you could see my foundation draw you'd think I have serious problems, it's like 15 foundations and counting.. and here's another to add to that collection. 

The reason I picked this up was because I'm running low on my 'every day' foundations and needed something that would look good on my really bad skin. I don't know if its because its getting cold or my diets changed or even if its because I've changed up my skincare routine but the state my skin is in is just ridiculous. 

When I swatched this on the back of my hand in Superdrug I was amazed at how flawless it looked. I'm aware this is quite a popular foundation, especially in the online beauty community but it had never stuck out to me. I decided to pick it up and I ended up getting the shade 3.R/ 3.C Rose Beige which is a pretty perfect match and if anything is a little too light. 

I first used this over the top of the MUA Skin Define Hydro Primer- which there will be a review coming up in the next few weeks! The primer is a gel like consistency and I really liked it, the foundation went on so smoothly over the top and I was really impressed. However throughout the day, even though I'd powdered, it looked like it was just sliding around and was very greasy looking. If I was to touch my face most of it would come off and it would feel disgusting. 

I thought I would try it again with a different primer underneath, so I opted for the Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser to smooth out my base. I then dotted the foundation on my face and went in with the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge instead of a round top kabuki brush and this worked perfectly. Again the appearance of it looked super smooth and I also used a smaller amount with the beauty sponge. This way worked and looked SO much better! It was so flawless and smooth looking all day and didn't look greasy at all!

As for the foundation itself I'd describe it as medium coverage and very blendable. Although it doesn't contain any form of shimmer, which I prefer, this is extremely luminous which I think will be great for this time of year. So far it hasn't stuck too any dry patches or looks cakey in any areas so this is definitely a thumbs up from me! 

Paige, x

Friday, November 11


I've had this for a while and thought it was about time I tried and tested it! As you can see it works and I do really like it! Also don't forget to leave me video suggestions in the comments and check out my new and improved blog!

Paige, x
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